Just a quick write up on how get the touch & screen of the official Raspberry Pi display working upside down. „HowTo: rotate Raspberry Pi 7″ touchscreen“ weiterlesen
Treiberprobleme mit RTL8111/8168B bei Debian/Ubuntu beheben
Der bei Debian/Ubuntu mitgelieferte Treiber “r8169” ist in Kombination mit der Realtek RTL8111/8168B ein Muster an Unzuverlässigkeit.
Die Lösung des Problems fand sich schließlich in Randy’s Blog
Bei mir sah der Ablauf auf einem Debian Wheezy (7.7) wie folgt aus:
Sicherstellen, dass der neueste Kernel aktiv ist und dann:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | cd /usr/src wget http://mirror.hetzner.de/tools/Realtek/drivers/r8168-8.037.00.tar.bz2 tar xjf r8168-8.037.00.tar.bz2 cd r8168-8.037.00 make clean modules make install depmod -a echo "blacklist r8169" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-network.conf update-initramfs -u -v |
Anschließend neu starten und mit ‘ethtool -i eth0′ prüfen, ob nun r8168 als Treiber geladen ist.
Da der Netzwerktreiber durch spätere Kernelupdates unbrauchbar werden kann, empfiehlt sich die Installation von DKMS.
Dazu werden die Pakete dkms und gcc installiert:
apt-get install dkms gcc
Die passende dkms.conf wird hiermit angelegt:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | cat <<EOF > /usr/src/r8168-8.037.00/dkms.conf PACKAGE_NAME=r8168 PACKAGE_VERSION=8.037.00 MAKE[0]="'make'" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]=r8168 BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="src/" DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/updates/dkms" AUTOINSTALL="YES" EOF |
Dann noch folgende Befehle ausführen:
dkms add -m r8168 -v 8.037.00 dkms build -m r8168 -v 8.037.00 dkms install -m r8168 -v 8.037.00
Fertig! Der Treiber wird jetzt automagisch bei den kommenden Kernelupdates mit aktualisiert.
Smart Mailboxes in Thunderbird on Ubuntu
As this happens quite regularily to me, a short tip on fixing messed up “smart folders” in Thunderbird. This should work on most Linux Distros.
1 | rm ~/.thunderbird/your-current-profile/Mail/smart\ mailboxes/* |
Think prior to usage.
Transfer a Debian installation to another partition
After the wait for the final version of AuroraOS got a bit too long and Ubuntu didn’t really work well on my 1000H, I incidentally stumbled across the Wiki for Debian on the EeePC. The project is so well documented that the installation of Debian Squeeze went surprisingly easy. „Transfer a Debian installation to another partition“ weiterlesen
Howto: resume a process you started via ssh
This howto assumes that you have the program screen installed on your target system (most will have it). „Howto: resume a process you started via ssh“ weiterlesen
bash: empty a file
The quickest way to get rid of the contents of a file:
Use at your own responsibility.
Credit goes to: commandlinefu
thinkfinger with lucid on an XPS M1530
After the distro upgrade from Ubuntu Karmic to Lucid my fingerprint scanner apparently stopped working. As it turned out, this problem is not that uncommon (cf. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thinkfinger). „thinkfinger with lucid on an XPS M1530“ weiterlesen
Error communicating with gnome-keyring-daemon
I had the same problem and found following solution:
1. Go to System -> Preferences -> Startup Applicataions
2. Find Item: “Certificate and Key Storage” and edit it
3. Change command to: “gnome-keyring-daemon” and save it.
4. Reboot
NOTE: After upgrade from 9.10, there was following command: “gnome-keyring-daemon –start –components=pkcs11” which caused some error message. After the change mentioned above, it started working properly.
Found under https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/553032/comments/8